DINO Lucky Staking Pool


Link: https://www.dinopark.fun/luckypool


  • 🔖Win a reward by staking your tickets inside the lucky pool.

  • 🔖The more tickets you stake, the higher your chances of winning!

  • 🔖 Your staked tickets will not be lost.

  • 🔖You can unstake your stakes anytime you want

  • 🔖Winners Draws are 2 times per day with the following schedules:


🌞 Day round 10:00 — 21:00 (GMT+9)

🌜 Night round 22:00 — 9:00. (GMT+9)


🌞 Day round 22:00 (GMT+9)

🌜 Night round 10:00. (GMT+9)

🔖1st-place medal Winning Criteria — Draw a winner by random tx no.


Source of reward size comes from:

  • 🔖Passive taxes that the lucky pool holding the MLS value

  • 🔖7% staking fees

♦️To Win a lucky pool reward

🔖You will have to purchase a ticket and stake in the https://app.doublemoon.finance/ (At launch, the cost will be:

🔖400 DINOPs per ticket

🔖Stake at most 50 MLS per transaction but no limit to each address

🔖Approve and stake your tickets at stake

🔖Wait for rounds to draw

🔖You can leave your tickets there forever!

Last but not least! We know in these articles we didn’t mention the launch date! We will let you know the exact launch date in a short while! Please stay tuned!

Last updated